
Find your way back home to you.

The 5th Element Coaching Program is formed of five core pillars through which Jessie Louise will analyse your life.

The 5th Element Coaching Program

The 5th Element Coaching Program
What if you never made another ‘mistake’ in your life ever again? How you ask! Because your intuition will guide you and protect you. Once you reconnect with this inner voice, you can hear it and trust it. This is why Jessie created The 5th Element Coaching Program.

What is The 5th Element Coaching Program?

The 5th Element Coaching Program is the ultimate life-coaching program specifically designed by me, Jessie Louise, to completely reshape your life through an assessment and identification of all areas of disharmony in your life via The Pillars of the program.

The key focus for the outcome of this program is to find, establish, and restore your intuition. It is a word and idea that is overused, and therefore the true lack of people’s intuition is completely overlooked. Unless you have it, you don’t directly notice that you are missing it. It is also known as soul-sleep.

All of us are born with intuition – some of us hone it as we grow, some of us are confused into not hearing it clearly. Some of us abandon it for a while, and then little by little it starts to creep back in.

Jessie Louise – The 5th Element Coaching Program

This is the trick of missing intuition; while it is so noticeable when it returns to someone, it is only noticeably missing through various symptoms such as confusion regarding professional pursuits, misery in choosing the ‘wrong’ relationships, and engaging in self-destructive behaviours such as drinking or eating too much. One of the main ways that you can tell you are missing your intuitive voice is that there is an overarching feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of fulfilment, missing purpose in life, and general unhappiness.

The fact is that if you do not actively run your mind and body, then someone else or something else will run it for you. The 5th Element Coaching Program is the key to unlocking your power to reclaim your power in life over yourself and your circumstances.

What makes The 5th Element Coaching Program so different?

Imagine if you never made another mistake in life again? How? Because your intuition will guide and protect you, and you have learned to hear it clearly and to trust it.

All of us are born with intuition; some of us hone it as we grow, and some of us are confused into not hearing it clearly. Some of us abandon it for a while, and then little by little it starts to creep back in. In fact, if you are the type of person who says, “Oh, nonsense”, then you are the one that needs this most severely.

That is why Jessie created The 5th Element Coaching Program. It is the most comprehensive life assessment and solution program available, which uses ancient approaches and modern science as the pillars from which Jessie can review your life from all perspectives.

The result is a complete identification and reset of the areas of your life that are in disharmony and out of balance, which, once reset, allow you to continue in your life in a way that you may not have felt for years, if ever.

It has been over several decades that Jessie has honed, researched and developed this comprehensive program. One of the best ways to describe the program is that it is the perfect union of ancient teachings and modern science.

Jessie Louise

How does The 5th Element Coaching Program work?

This is the million-dollar question. I have often been asked why I don’t teach the program to others and allow them to operate under the name of The 5th Element Coaching Program. The answer is simple: I simply cannot trust anyone else (yet!) to perform the program in the same way as I would do it for the client. Honestly, for anyone else to undertake this level of investigation and healing of a person, we would need a team of people!

That’s what makes this opportunity to take part in this process with me so special. It has taken me decades (literally) to gather up all the tools that I require in order to take the overview of the whole person in a completely bespoke way every single client that comes through the door.

What topics are covered in The 5th Element Coaching Program?

This completely depends on the person undertaking the program. However, one thing that will remain constant will be The Pillars of the program. It is through this comprehensive approach that Jessie is able to look completely into the whole person and provide immediate feedback on areas that require attention.

It has been over several decades that Jessie has honed, researched and developed this comprehensive program. One of the best ways to describe the program is that it is the perfect union of ancient teachings and modern science.

Within the Five Pillars of The 5th Element Coaching Program, we will use psychology, mythology, theology, philosophy as well as spiritual healing, energy cleansing, insight work and karmic cleansing. In addition, we will also use the teachings of yoga, feng shui and destinations and experiences for spiritual travel. These ancient skills are used alongside a range of highly scientific and modern approaches to wellness. These include holistic nutrition, psychotherapy, circadian rhythms and guided imagery.

There has never been a more comprehensive life coaching assessment of the whole person as what has been established in The 5th Element Coaching Program.

The Five Pillars of The 5th Element Coaching Program

The five pillars of the 5th element coaching program diagram in pyramid form.


The first pillar incorporates ancient practices such as spirituality, mythology, theology and philosophy.


The second pillar incorporates practices such as nutrition, yoga, tai chi, ancient mace (sacred masculine), Jujutsu (warrior) and shamanic-inspired dance (sacred feminine).


The third pillar incorporates feng shui, environmental psychology, grounding, zen, hygge, wabi-sabi, kintsugi and animism.

Conscious / Unconscious Mind

The fourth pillar incorporates NLP, CBT, psychotherapy, counselling, archetypes, Affirmations, Guided Imagery and Hypnosis.


The fifth pillar incorporates a final appraisal and assessment of your material presence in the world and relationships with others. It is about the experience of your physical entity, the legacy of that entity in your karmic journey, and the lessons you have carried forward, your impact on others in this life and the place from which you shall continue to carry into the next life.

Why are the spaces to The 5th Element Coaching Program so limited?

As mentioned above, the approach that I take is so unique and so bespoke from person to person that no two client coaching journeys are the same. In addition, as someone who always gives 110% to their clients, I throw myself into the coaching experience completely, and it requires a lot of mental, physical, and emotional energy. I would never want to just go through the motions with a client, and I believe that each person’s journey needs to be valued and completed in a thorough and dedicated way.

For that reason, I have limited the number of coaching clients that I am able to complete to 10 per month.

Can I join the waiting list for The 5th Element Coaching Program?

If I do not have availability, of course you can! Waiting times will depend on many factors, such as the time of year and how many other clients are already waiting; however, the waiting time should not be more than a few weeks.

How can I make payment for The 5th Element Coaching Program?

After much thought and consideration, I have (intuitively) been directed to require a payment in full before the program begins. Unlike some other coaches or coaching programs, The 5th Element Coaching Program is not able to paid off in instalments or via monthly payments. There is very good reasons for this.

Part of the work that we will do in The 5th Element Coaching Program involves deep areas of spirituality, energy healing, karmic cleansing, and insight work. As a result of the direct channel of energy that will be established between Jessie and the client, it is absolutely essential that there are no obstacles whatsoever inhibiting the connection between me and you. In order for The 5th Element Coaching Program to be as effective as possible, it is essential that there is no residual negative or doubting energy between the two of us.

It is for this reason that I have had to insist on payment in full before the program begins. However, in order to secure your place, there is a 10% deposit payable immediately. Of course, if you need to adjust the dates of your program prior to commencement, that is completely fine.

Contact Jessie Louise about The 5th Element Coaching Program Here

The 5th Element Coaching Program
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